Do artists have a different view of the world?

Artificial thinking always means looking for new connections and never being satisfied with the status quo, but constantly enriching thoughts with new impulses.

Theoretically everything is conceivable, but art does not only consist of ideas, but above all of implementation. Artificial Thinking therefore promotes not only the search for new patterns, but also the implementation and the constant reflection of the made and the thought. It is a never-ending process.

Is Artificial Thinking the next big thing?

The thoughts came to me when I once again asked myself how I could convey to customers at ON/OFF Design that I was not only using the potential of art for its own ends, but that my way of thinking as an artist helped me to come up with new ideas. Design Thinking comes close to the process, but art and design are different. “Design Thinking is an approach that is supposed to lead to solving problems and developing new ideas.

The goal is to find solutions that are convincing from the user’s point of view. As an artist, however, I don’t think problem- or goal-oriented. A work of art does not solve any problems. I want the viewer to be touched by my work. Whether someone will be interested in it later is another question, but nobody is working on an artwork that nobody should be interested in.

The process of creation is shaped by the ongoing further development of the work. In between, as an artist you always take a step back to check the overall composition. How does the work affect me as a viewer? Are the ideas and values conveyed, the emotions conveyed that I as an artist would like to convey?

In the course of my work, ideas and results are also repeatedly created that you didn’t expect in the beginning. Which were not the goal. Which you didn’t imagine, but felt at most. Artificial Thinking is not only about following thoughts, but also feelings. The goal of the generated thoughts and feelings, however, should be a creative end result.

The net is always climbed through again

I always want to create new stimuli. For me and the viewer. A work of art therefore never exists twice. Even if a work looks similar, the path to it was probably a completely different one. Of course you fall back on your own experiences, but you never follow the same path. Artificial Thinking therefore always has the goal of treading new paths.
artificial instead of art thinking

I didn’t want to contrast Design Thinking with Art Thinking. In my opinion Artificial Thinking fits better. On the one hand because a work of art doesn’t come naturally. It is artificial, created by the artist. And on the other hand, I create thoughts artificially during the creative process. I trigger myself to come up with new ideas.

Artificial thinking can also be interpreted as an image of the processes of artificial intelligence. In the long run, artificial intelligence should not only recognize patterns and execute programs, but also be able to understand and analyze the world through its own processes and create new connections. Only by an own creative achievement a program becomes intelligent and no longer executes exclusively human commands.

Artifical thinking uses the potential of art

Mechanical, artificial thinking does not contradict human processes. On the contrary. Artificial intelligence is an image of human beings, and if algorithms can implement artificial thinking, they can be described as intelligent.

The advantage of Artificial Intelligence is the possibility to analyze large data sets. Even as an artist I can’t compete with it. Neither do I. Instead, I want to convey that the way I work as an artist can also be used by other industries. The potential of art is the power of creation, as well as the linking of ever new ideas and patterns. And that can be transferred to all areas and industries. I hope I was able to define the term Artificial Thinking and express what it means to use the potential of art.